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Minimum Wage War

I know I’ve talked about this before, but I think this is a very important subject that needs further investigation. One of the first...

Uber Failure

So I thought I’d make some money in my spare time driving people around with Uber. It seems like a really good idea, right? Riiiight?...

Poverty: Closing the Gap

Picture a river, flowing swift and smooth along its bed. The waters easily spin the wheel in the mill, keeping everyone well fed with the...

The Cost of Doing Business

There is a grave misconception in this country that the purpose of a business is to make money. In truth, the purpose of a business is to...

Virtual School

Anyone who has read my blogs knows how I feel about the public school system. I find it refreshing to know that several states have...

Is It Really MY City?

I started playing a Facebook game called Supercity. Like any other simulation style game, it claims that you have control over how your...

Digital Game Exchange

I had an interesting conversation earlier this week. My S.O. told me he was on a forum with a guy who was complaining about digital...

Moving On…

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but moving has been…an interesting experience. I have made no secret about my feelings toward...


People often ask me why I’m an atheist. I find this question to be absurd. It’s like asking me why my eyes are brown, or why I’m female....

Boy, Do We Need Jobs!

Everywhere I look there is hardship. Small business are struggling, hardworking people can’t find jobs, and no one knows what to do....


I finally got to see Frozen yesterday. It was a refreshing change from Disney’s damsels in distress, good vs. evil dichotomies, and other...

Everything in Life is a Sale?

Apparently the only jobs available in California right now are sales positions. I’ve had several interviewers try to convince me that...

Subbed or Dubbed?

There  has been a dilemma within anime loving communities since time began. Should English speaking audiences watch their anime in the...

Eye For An Eye

Everyone feels that they have been wronged at some point in their life. Some person, agency, corporation, or other entity said or did...

Parental Bribery

Parents have been bribing specific kinds of behavior from children since long before any of us can remember. Children respond to this...

Legal Discrimination

In the US, it is illegal to discriminate against someone because of their age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual preference, or many...

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