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Why Homeschool?


I’ve been asked many times why I’m so against public schools. I look around me and see a society of people who are trained to accept the world as it is. So many people believe that things are the way they are, and there is nothing anyone can do about. When I ask if these people are happy with the way things are, if there is anything they’d like to change, I get responses like, “Since my voice doesn’t matter, why try?”

Public schools help to instill this kind of thinking. Children are taught to sit down, be quiet, and not to interrupt. If a child has an issue, they are often ignored until the issue becomes a burden to everyone (such as ignoring a child’s raised hand until s/he urinates on him/herself). This kind of apathy teaches children that they do not matter in the grand scheme.

The issue gets worse when children are punished for pointing out faulty data that has been presented. In these public school settings, when a teacher has been misinformed, the school is quite content to allow that misinformation to be passed on to classroom after classroom of innocent children. When one child dares to stand up and say, “That isn’t right.” Instead of thanking the child for setting the record straight, that child is reprimanded for disrespecting authority.

As a parent, what should be more important: raising a child that has been molded to be just like everyone else–who has been trained to think in a certain way, or raising a child who can think for him/herself–someone who can see past the walls that public education has set for others?

Many people become nervous when they consider the prospect of educating their own children. It is a great responsibility. The first thing for parents to remember is that it isn’t necessary to know everything to teach something. As a teacher, I can assure people that learning along the way is inevitable. The most important things necessary are parental love, and the desire for the child(ren)’s success.

Let’s keep in mind how successful homeschooling is, regardless of the parents’ background, education level, or social status:

Homeschool stats Parent ed
homeschool stat

I really wish people would take a good, long look around. Our economy is in the tank, our government is obviously corrupt (and we can’t play the party game here, both sides are just as dirty), and our people are completely complacent. In another day, another time, revolution would have come and gone, sweeping this current rabble into the trash, giving us a new slate to start again. Thanks to the brainwashing of public schools and churches, only a small minority of our populace is actively wanting change. Everyone else has bought into the trained crap that “the people” are meaningless. The truth is, the people, outnumber the corrupt leaders by quite a bit. One voice may seem small, but many coming together can seem apocalyptic.

Pink Floyd gives a pretty accurate depiction of what’s going on in public schools. While the system tries to mold children into obedient drones, the children are hard-pressed to cling to their hopes, dreams, and individuality.

Let’s not let the system succeed.

After writing this blog, I found this:

literal test

This is exactly why public schools, and standardized tests fail miserably. This child was most likely written off for not following directions. The truth is, this child followed the directions literally “to the letter.” I would imagine that the child is amazingly intelligent, yet will be lost in the system because s/he fails to fall to the sub-par limits set by standardized testing within the public school system. If freed from such a cage, a child like this could soar to incredible heights.


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