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The Virtual Convention

Until this year, major conventions on any subject were large, commercial gatherings of thousands (or more) people gathered in one location. These events were costly for the organizers as well as the attendees. Large events like this have been a place for commerce, networking, displaying ideas and achievements, and being among like-minded people. With covid-19 threatening such large gatherings, they are no longer an option for the foreseeable future.

Some companies are turning to the internet as a solution. I have been offered free tickets to virtually attend conventions that would normally cost thousands of dollars to attend in person. This seems natural to me. I think that in the year 2020, we should have moved to virtual conventions long ago. The only thing standing in our way is our collective mentality that everything we do has to make money. Without having a physical seat to sell, many of these conventions are afraid that people will be unwilling to buy tickets, and rightfully so. Not many patrons would pay money to sit in their home.

Some of these conventions have found ways to make some money by selling “replays” of the convention. If someone is unable to attend the live event, the can still get some of the information if they purchase the replay. Personally, I find that to be less attractive than attending the live event. Most presentations are pretty much canned. Everyone gives you almost the same presentation wherever you go. The interesting part is the Q&A. Perhaps I have a question or two, but usually it’s someone else’s question that will inspire a whole new perspective or series of questions in my mind.

What I’m most curious about now is, will virtual conventions survive after this pandemic subsides? Free access to expensive conventions has given me an opportunity to expand my knowledge base in the midst of chaos. How long will this opportunity be available to me?


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