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The Truth About Working From Home

Since the start of this pandemic and the need for social distancing, companies have been turning to remote work to keep their businesses going. Since a lot of these companies are in “thought” industries (i.e. science, technology), and can be done from pretty much anywhere, it makes sense. Of course, a lot of people have been coming up with guidelines to tell others how to work from home “properly”. Most of these blogs end up trying to turn your home into your office, which doesn’t make a lot of sense. No body wants to live at work. There are a few things to understand about the relationship between people and work, and how that relates to remote work.

To begin with, it has been a long standing myth that a certain amount of stress is necessary to ensure top performance. In fact, according to a VitalSmarts study, the highest performing workers experience the lowest levels of stress. 1 For many people, their work environment is extremely stressful. Recreating that stressful environment in their home would not only lower their productivity for work, but affect their overall health.

Another thing that is very common in these work from home guides is to maintain exact business hours schedule. According to the experts, you shouldn’t even do that while you’re working in the office, much less at home. Nicole Fallon recommends finding your peek productive schedule, then working with your employer to find a work schedule to match it. 2 While working from home, it makes much more sense to conform to your peek productive schedule.

Many companies are concerned that without superiors micromanaging every aspect of their employees’ work day, the employees won’t be productive. This leads them to install intrusive software onto employees’ computers to ensure that work is being done. 3 In truth, remote workers are more productive than office workers. 4 Perhaps that has something to do with being less stressed and being able to work during their most productive times.

As a remote worker, you understand what stresses you and what makes you more productive. Use that information to ensure that you get the most done without sacrificing the comfort of your home. As a business owner/manager, look at the facts. Remote workers do not need viruses in their webcams or tracking software recording every keystroke or lack there of. Remote workers are delivering above and beyond what office workers ever have. Be happy and take what they are delivering you…without distrusting them.


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