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Periodical Pain

You know, I’ve been trying to figure out what P.M.S. is ever since I was an adolescent. I was warned by every female adult in my life that I would hit a certain age, my body would go through changes, and I would have mood swings and emotional “issues” every month. That’s not what happened. I have no clue that my period is approaching other than the fact that it has been a month since my last period. I suppose I have a few mood swings after the thing starts, but that’s probably due to the pain. I’ve had people tell me to “suck it up and deal with it” before, but when I am in my own home, on my on turf, I feel that it is my right to complain.

Personally, I have a rather high tolerance for pain. I’ve had three children with very little complaint. I asked for an epidural with the first, but it was too late by the time I got around to that request, so I had the baby drug free and without an episiotomy (yay for tearing, not). The other two birthing experiences were similar with even more mistakes and oversights on the part of the medical staff overseeing my case.

The point here is, my pain threshold is high enough for me to give birth three times without much aid from anyone or anything. The pain from my periods, however, can bring me to my knees and hinder my ability to function. It alters my mood and changes my behavior. There is no premenstrual syndrome involving hormones causing this change in me. None of the mood swings, irritability, frustration, or other behavioral issues occur until the pain hits…after the blood flows. After the first few days, the pain subsides enough to allow for normal function to return. If hormones are involved in this, they are only responding to the pain.

The worst part is, I’ve spoken to doctors and no one seems to care or even take me seriously. What has to happen before someone in the medical community will take you seriously enough to listen?


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