After four weeks (half of the program) I am realizing that some of the issues I mentioned in my last post, along with other issues are making this program very difficult for me. I am not seeing any change at all from my last post. Although most of these workouts are short, the struggle for me comes with their structure. Charlene Johnson starts off with a base set of four reps for each exercise. That's a really low number of reps. She calls calls this "dynamic". I call it dangerous, especially when she drops that number to two, and then one rep per set. That danger was fulfilled this past Thursday when my injured knee went out while trying to keep up with her "dynamic" pace. The Drench workout is 47 minutes long, so I didn't feel too bad quitting 32 minutes in. Friday was a little different. My knee was still injured from Thursday, and I couldn't do all of the exercises. Quitting 17 minutes into a 20 minutes workout left a bad taste. I couldn't work out at all on Saturday for personal reasons.
In the end, I really think that this is the wrong way to go for me. seems to develop workouts for people who are already in shape. That doesn't do me any good. I need to work with people who understand that not only am I not quite in shape, my body is battered and bruised from a lifetime of living.
At this point I have decided to give my knee a week to heal. From there I am going to create my own workout routine designed to address my needs. I need to build muscle to increase my basal metabolism rate and burn fat--not just while I'm working out, but while I'm at rest, too. I need to work each muscle group individually, and give those muscle groups time to heal after they have been worked. I need to incorporate good, high intensity, low impact cardio that will bring up my heart rate without injuring me.
Scooby has been a trainer and workout guru for a long time. I intend to incorporate some of his workouts and techniques into my program. For cardio, I have Dance Central on my X-Box Kinect. The fitness section of the game has several great options for a rounded cardio program without a lot of impact. Once I create the program, I will post what I am doing and track the results.