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Chateau de LaRue

This is another writing contest entry. Due to word count limits, I was unable to submit the full story. What actually submitted starts after the first break. I felt that the first section was more or less expendable. Enjoy.

Aston LaRue walked along the Mississippi in the French Quarter thinking about her. The way her beautiful ebony skin contrasted with the pale ivory of his own. He imagined her perfect alto voice, singing to him: professing her undying love. He closed his eyes, feeling her warm embrace…longing to be with her, and knowing that he could not. With despair in his heart, he opened his eyes and started toward his family’s chateau in the bayou.

Chateau de LaRue, deep in swamps of the Louisiana bayou, represented a moment suspended in time. Though it was built in the 1800s, the grounds were meticulously kept and it was adorned with all of the modern amenities. There was no garage or driveway (no car could get this far into the swamp), but the chateau had a state of the art security system complete with external cameras and com system.

It was just before dawn by the time Aston arrived. He scanned his retinae, and entered. “I was wondering if you were going to come home,” his sister quipped from the sitting room.

“I’m sure you were hoping I wouldn’t.”

“Don’t be crass, brother dear. I was simply waiting up for you.” Aston rolled his eyes. Leona LaRue does nothing without an ulterior motive. If she was waiting up, there was nothing simple about it. Aston gave her a sidelong look and raised his eyebrows. “Come now, Ashy boy, don’t you trust me?” She asked with a pout.

“No,” he replied pointedly.

“Fine, she said. “I just want to make sure you have your priorities straight.”

“I didn’t see her, if that’s what you’re asking,” he said with a tight lipped scowl.

“Good.” She leapt to her feet and bounded over to him. “Just remember,” she cooed running her finger along his jawline, “family is everything.” With that she bounded upstairs.

Aston let out a frustrated sigh, peeled off his white evening gloves, and placed them on the sitting room end table. He felt torn between two worlds. One of secrets, lies, and pain. The other of beauty, joy, and love. He only wished he could leave the lies behind. He wished he could be a part of her world.

He pulled himself out of his reverie and went upstairs to get some rest. He had to accept that he could not be with her. His destiny was just not compatible with hers. He would simply have to settle for loving her from afar.

The following evening as Aston was preparing to leave, he heard his sister say, “Wait just a moment, Ash.”

“What do you want now, Leona?” He asked exasperated.

“We’re going with you tonight.” That’s when the eldest of their siblings came into view. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course I mind,” Aston spat at her, “but do I have a choice?”

“I’m glad you understand the situation,” his brother, Simon, said with a menacing smile. “Shall we?” Aston gave his brother a disdainful grimace, but said nothing. He simply turned toward the door and proceeded to go.


The heat of a New Orleans summer was thick, moist, and lingering. Well into the evening the humidity held onto the heat of the day, unwilling to let it go. During the off season, the city took on a different persona…she was not the party girl she pretended to be for tourists. There was a dark, sinister side to her. This is where the LaRues flourished.

Simon took charge, leading his siblings down a dark alley and into a seedy speakeasy reminiscent of prohibition days. He left Leona and Aston at the bar so he could speak with a couple of rough looking thugs. A few minutes later he returned and said, “Dinner will be waiting for us in the VIP room. They’re just making a few last minute arrangements. It won’t be long.”

“I’m not hungry,” Aston said. “You two go on; I’ll stay here and keep an eye on things.”

Simon did not look happy. “I really think we should stick together…”

I really don’t care what you think!” Aston said irritably. “I’m tired of the two of you hovering over me like a couple of vultures! Go have your dinner! I’ll be right here. Your thugs are right there watching me. It’s not like I’m actually free to do as I please.”

Leona touched Simon’s arm. “Just let him be. We all have our moments. Let him have his.”

“Very well,” Simon conceded, “but at some point you will have to accept your destiny and move on.” Aston grunted, then settled into a bar stool to ponder his fate. As he was lost in thought, the already dim bar lights lowered even further. Then a spotlight shone onto the tiny stage at the far end of the bar…it was her! Time seemed to slow to a crawl extending this perfect image over the span of a thousand lifetimes. Her pure white gown gave the illusion that she was an angel standing in a beam of pure light. Her naturally magnificent hair was held back by a single golden comb.

Aston shook himself out of his awe. What is she doing here? He thought to himself. She does not belong amidst such filth and villainy. Then she began to sing and confirmed that she was pure; someone untouched by the filth around her. “I waited ’til I saw the sun, I don’t know why I didn’t come, I left you by the house of fun, I don’t know why I didn’t come, I don’t know why I didn’t come…”*

“It seems our little brother has been making good use of his time.” Leona’s voice brought Aston crashing down to the present moment. Simon stood behind Leona wiping his mouth on a handkerchief, menacing amusement in his eyes. Aston realized that they knew she was here. They brought him here to torture him. How typical. “Aw, is that a tear forming dear brother?” Leona cooed.

“Oh please…the two of you can barely anger me, much less bring me to tears.” He pushed away from the bar and stormed out.


Aston spent the following week in his own little world. His siblings did what they could to get under his skin, but Aston didn’t bite. Every time he felt himself getting angry, he thought about her. She was perfection in an imperfect world. She was…untouchable. Aston had to remember that.

The weekend came and Aston started out the door. “Going somewhere?” His brother mused from the sitting room.

“I am, as a matter of fact.”

“Don’t pine too long…” his sister teased, then Simon joined her laughter.

Aston ignored them and headed out. He went through the motions of his typical Friday night, but the little speakeasy was calling to him…she was calling to him. Without realizing that he had wandered in that direction, he found himself at the mouth of the tiny alley. The pull of her allure was too much to bear, so he slipped into the shadows of the alley.

The small bar struggled to hold the number of patrons. The air was thick with perfumes and hookah fumes giving it a sickly sweet aroma. The drink bar was crowded, so Aston found an empty table near the wall with a clear view of the stage. When the lights fell, so did the volume in the bar. The spotlight illuminated her deep crimson gown which flowed over her perfect features. The small, black fascinator, worn slightly askew, cast a veil over one side of her face. She was magnificent.

Aston was so awestruck, he barely noticed the music in the background. When she looked up, it felt as if she was singing directly to him, “Never know how much I love you, Never know how much I care. When you put your arms around me” she looked Aston directly in the eyes, “I get a fever that’s so hard to bear. You give me fever…” * * Aston was mesmerized for the rest of her performance.

As the main lights came on full force, Aston realized that the speakeasy was closing. Had he really sat there this long? He started to stand and there she was, at the bar; she looked just as beautiful in jeans as she did in an evening gown. He stood awkwardly, waiting for her to collect her tips and go, but then she turned and saw him, “Do I know you?”

“I doubt that,” Aston replied. “I’ve been in here a couple of times, though.”

“You look so familiar.”

“I must have one of those faces.”

“You know the bar is closed, right?”

“Yes, well, I do now. I lost track of time, for a while. I’m back on track now.” Her laughter sounded musical. “Well, I should go…”

“Did you sit here alone all night?” She asked before Aston could walk away.

“I tend to prefer my own company.”

She smiled and asked, “Care to try someone else’s company for a bit?”

He smiled and replied, “Maybe, for a bit.”


The two walked along in silence for several minutes before she finally spoke up and said, “My name is Lilith, but everyone calls me Lily. My stage name is ‘Lily White.’”

“I’m so sorry, how rude of me; I’m Aston LaRue. My family’s quite well known. Most people know us either directly or indirectly. I guess I’m just not used to meeting people.”

“Really, what does your family do?”

“Meddle.” Aston replied with a sour tone.

Lily raised her eyebrows and said, “I take it you don’t approve.”

Aston sighed, “It’s…complicated.”

“Aren’t all family matters?”


They had come to an all night diner. Aston held the door open for Lily, and they both made their way inside. Aside from an old man in a corner both, the only people there were staff. There was a sign near the entrance that read, ‘Please Seat Yourself’. The old man in the corner looked up and started yelling, “Evil is among us! EVIL is AMONG US!” One of the waitresses hurried to his table with fresh coffee and tried to sooth him.

Aston and Lily choose a table at the other end of the restaurant. A different waitress approached their table and said, “I’m really sorry about that,” then nodded in the direction of the old man, “Benny there is a regular. It’s just sometimes he gets a little confused and upset, but really, he’s a good guy.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Lily. “Just make sure he’s comfortable.”

Aston stared into her beautiful, dark chocolate eyes. She’s beautiful, talented, and compassionate… “What can I get for you?” The waitress broke into Aston’s thoughts.

“I’ll have a cup of black coffee,” Lily replied.

“Nothing for me,” Aston said.

“One coffee and one nothing, coming right up.” She returned with Lily’s coffee, then disappeared again.

“You are so odd, Aston.”

“What do you mean?” Aston was genuinely curious.

“You sat at the bar for hours watching my show, but never ordered a thing. Now, you still aren’t ordering anything, and I swear that you haven’t blinked since we got here.”

“I’m just not thirsty, and I’m sure I’ve blinked, you just didn’t notice.”


“Your performance tonight was magnificent. Of course, you always perform magnificently,” he said with a smile.

“Thank you,” she blushed. “I love singing. It’s like the music is part of me. Singing lets me share that part with others.”

“Others love when you sing. We love when you share with us,” he told her.

Her gaze seemed to penetrate his very soul, “I don’t know what it is about you; I know that we just met tonight, but I feel like I’ve known you for several lifetimes.”

He thought for a moment, “You have an old soul. You understand the world around you far better than you think.”

Lily had no idea how to take that. She sat in silence while finishing her coffee. The two left the diner and walked around a bit more. Before they knew it, they were standing outside an apartment building. Lily asked, “Would you like to come up?”

Aston wasn’t sure. His siblings would not be happy if they knew he’d been to her apartment…”I’d love to,” he replied. She led him up several flights of stairs to a bare, painted brown door with a small peep hole. She brought her keys out of her handbag and unlocked both the deadbolt and the doorknob locks. The door opened into a well kept small apartment. The living area held a small sofa, a chair, a television, a small coffee table and an end table. The kitchen was just a small alcove off of the living area. There were two doors toward the back of the apartment, presumably the bathroom and bedroom. “Somehow, this is not what I imagined…” Aston said dreamily.

“Sorry to disappoint you.” Lily scoffed.

“No, I mean, I just imagined you living in an elaborate penthouse suite, being pampered by servants.”

“Lounge singing doesn’t pay that much.”

“Maybe it should…”

Lily giggled, “Wouldn’t that be nice.”

“You’re extremely talented. One day those talents will pay off for you.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“You won’t have it any other way.” He said it with such confidence, as if he’d know her all her life.

Lily found herself falling into the pale blue of his eyes. He was so mysterious, yet she felt like she’d always known him. Who was this man?


They had stayed up talking until Lily fell asleep on the sofa. Aston did not want to wake her, so he found a blanket in the bedroom and covered her. She slept until near dinner time. She awoke to find Aston sitting patiently in the chair. “You didn’t leave?”

“I had no way to lock the door. I didn’t want to leave you vulnerable.”

She smiled and said, “I’m not as vulnerable as I look.”

“I know, but I wanted an excuse to stay.”

Her smile grew and she said, “I need to take a shower. I have to work tonight, but I want to get something to eat, first.”

“That sounds wonderful.”


Leona and Simon were furious. Aston never came home. It was unlikely that anything happened to him, but their family could be forever damaged if he started spreading secrets all over the bayou. Simon looked like he could explode with rage, “I’m going to tear him apart myself!”

“Hold on, dear brother, before we go making assumptions, we should at least find out what little Ash has been up to.”

“Come now, Leona, we know what he’s doing. He’s fraternizing with that girl. For all we know, he’s giving her our complete family history as we speak. Have you any idea what that will do to us? I can’t do it again, Leona! I won’t do it! The endless running, and constant peering over my shoulder. I’m better than that! We’re better than that!”

“I agree with you, brother, but give Aston some credit. He understands the stakes.”

“Does he? How many times have we played this scenario out? We must stop him!”

“Fine, let’s go.”


Once again, Aston ordered nothing for dinner. This time Lily said nothing. They engaged in small conversation while she dined, and Lily marveled at her own feelings. She had just met this man yesterday, yet she knew him. Every moment she spent with him, her feelings felt stronger. There was a deep connection; a magnetic connection that drew the two of them together. Lily could not explain it, but she knew that the two of them belonged together.


Lily looked as beautiful as ever. Aston had chosen a table close to the stage so he could immerse himself completely in the experience. As the show was coming to a close, Simon and Leona joined Aston’s table. Aston sat back with a sigh. “She is my destiny.”

Simon let out a humorless chuckle, “Is she? I’m not so sure. You have proven less than successful in the past, and I’m content here in New Orleans, so I’m here to ensure she doesn’t ruin that for me.” Leona didn’t say anything, but nodded her agreement.

“There is risk in everything,” Aston replied. “But I supposed there’s no harm in trying to mitigate some of that risk.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, and tried to think. This time he had to convince her.

As the bar closed, Lily approached Aston’s table, “Are these these siblings you mentioned?”

“This is my brother, Simon, and my sister, Leona.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Lily said offering her hand, then awkwardly pulled it back when no one took it. “Well, I’m all done here, if you’re ready.”

“Of course,” said Aston, shooting a glare at his siblings.

After leaving the bar and walking several paces in front of Simon and Leona for a while, Lily said, “This may sound strange, but I feel like I’ve known you my entire life.”

“No,” said Aston, “It doesn’t sound strange at all. I’ve been wanting to ask ever since we met, but I didn’t want to scare you off…”

“Ask what?”

“Do you believe in destiny? In soul mates?”

“You know,” she said, “If you had asked me that two days ago, I’m not sure what my answer would have been, but after spending these past two days with you, I have to say…yes. I feel drawn to you like no one else. It’s like my soul belongs to you.”

“I’m so glad to hear you say that. You were kind enough to let me spend last night with you. We would like to invite you to spend tonight at our chateau.”


“Yes, the Chateau de LaRue.”

“That sounds lovely.”


Once inside the chateau, Lily looked around, awestruck. “This place is beautiful!” She said.

“It’s been in our family for several generations,” Leona informed her.

“We hope it will remain so for several more,” Simon growled.

“I think that’s enough family history, don’t you?” Aston glared at his siblings.

Lily touched his arm, “They’re just proud of their heritage.”

Aston closed his eyes, “I really wish you could understand…”

“I want to understand, Aston!”

“Lily, we belong together, but things are so much more complicated than that. You must choose to be with me.”

“I do, Aston, I choose to be with you.”

“It’s not that simple. You have to perform the ritual.”


While they were talking, Leona had gotten a golden chalice, brought it into the sitting room, and handed it to Aston. Aston then took a small knife from his belt, made a small incision in his wrist, and put the blood into the chalice. He then handed the knife to Lily. Lily then understood what needed to be done. She took a deep breath, made a small incision in her own wrist, and added her blood to Aston’s. Aston picked the chalice up, drank, then handed it to Lily. She finished what was in the chalice, then it all hit her at once…

Dozens of lifetimes went flashing before her in the blink of an eye. She had loved him over and over again, until the time of the ritual. Again and again she had rejected his blood…until now. What had she done? She knew that Aston was her one true love…her soul mate, but at the cost of her immortal soul.

  1. * The lyrics are an excerpt from the Nora Jones song, ‘Don’t Know Why’

  2. ** The lyrics are an excerpt from ‘Fever” written by Eddie Cooley and Otis Blackwell (it has been performed by many different artists).


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